On Mar 2, 2004, at 5:36 PM, scott.marlowe wrote:

Some folks on the list have experience with Postgresql on Solaris, and
they generally say they use Solaris not for performance reasons, but for
reliability reasons. I.e. the bigger Sun hardware is fault tolerant.

Solaris isn't nearly as bad for PG as it used to be.

But as you say - the #1 reason to use sun is reliability. (In my case, it was because we had a giant sun laying around :)

I'm trying to remember exactly what happens.. but I know on sun if it had a severe memory error it kills off processes with data on that dimm (Since it has no idea if it is bad or not. Thanks to ECC this is very rare, but it can happen.). I want to say if a CPU dies any processes running on it at that moment are also killed. but the more I think about that th emore I don't think that is the case.

As for x86.. if ram or a cpu goes bad you're SOL.

Although opterons are sexy you need to remember they really are brand new cpus - I'm sure AMD has done tons of testing but sun ultrasparc's have been in every situation conceivable in production. If you are going to really have thousands of users you probably want to bet the farm on something proven.

lots and lots of spindles
lots and lots of ram

You may also want to look into a replication solution as a hot backup.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match

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