On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Cosimo Streppone wrote:

> The alternative solution I tried, that has an optimal
> speed up, unfortunately is not a way out, and it is based
> on "EXPLAIN SELECT count(*)" output parsing, which
> is obviously *not* reliable.

Try this to get the estimate:

   SELECT relname, reltuples from pg_class order by relname;

> The times always get better doing a vacuum (and eventually
> reindex) of the table, and they slowly lower again.

Yes, the estimate is updated by the analyze.

> Is there an estimate time for this issue to be resolved?

It's not so easy to "fix". The naive fixes makes other operations slower,
most notably makes things less concurrent which is bad since it wont scale 
as good for many users then.

You can always keep the count yourself and have some triggers that update 
the count on each insert and delete on the table. It will of course make 
all inserts and deletes slower, but if you count all rows often maybe it's 
worth it. Most people do not need to count all rows in a table anyway. You 
usually count all rows such as this and that (some condition).

/Dennis Björklund

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