Hi all,

I've been dealing with a problem for the past two days
where a certain sql statement works 2 out of 5 times, and
the other 3 times, it causes the machine (quad Xeon 2.8GHz
+ 792543232 bytes mem, linux kernel  2.4.26-custom, pg ver 7.3.4)
to slow down, and finally grind to a halt. It looks like postgres
gets itself into an insane loop, because no matter how much
shared memory I give it, it uses it all, and then
the kernel starts swapping. 

I'm pretty sure it's not the kernel, because I've tried four different 
2.4.2* stable kernels, and the same happens.

I've attached the query, and the functions used inside the query,
as well as the table structure and an explain. (I haven't been
able to get explain analyze)

It seems that when I replace the functions used in the query,
with the actual values returned by them (one date in each case),
the query runs in 10 seconds.

I did vacuum analyze, and reindex seemed to  work at one
stage, but now it doesn't anymore. 

Is there some limitation in using functions that I do not know 
about, or is it a bug? 

(It seems to be hanging on the max_fpp('''')
function call from inside the fpp_max_ms() function.)

Please help.

Kind Regards

Attachment: query.sql
Description: Binary data

=# EXPLAIN SELECT    group_code::text                          AS group_code,
-#           sku::text                                 AS sku,
-#           stktype_code::varchar(2)                  AS stktype_code,
-#           brn_code::text                            AS brn_code,
-#           SUM(overdue)::int4                        AS overdue,
-#           SUM(current)::int4                        AS current,
-#           SUM(future)::int4                         AS future
-# FROM (    
(# SELECT    group_code,
(#           sku,
(#           stktype_code,
(#           brn_code, 
(#           CASE WHEN to_date <= max_fpp_ms() THEN
(#              SUM(out_qty)
(#           ELSE  0                                      
(#           END                                     AS overdue,
(#           CASE WHEN to_date > max_fpp_ms()
(#           AND to_date <= max_fpp_me() THEN
(#              SUM(out_qty)
(#           ELSE 0
(#           END                                     AS current,
(#           CASE WHEN to_date > max_fpp_me() THEN
(#              SUM(out_qty)
(#           ELSE 0
(#           END                                     AS future
(# FROM gir_outstanding
(# GROUP BY  group_code,
(#           sku,
(#           stktype_code,
(#           brn_code,
(#           to_date
(# ) AS sub
-# GROUP BY  group_code, 
-#           sku,
-#           stktype_code,
-#           brn_code
-# ;
                                                   QUERY PLAN                          
 Aggregate  (cost=15880.41..16055.62 rows=876 width=44)
   ->  Group  (cost=15880.41..15989.92 rows=8761 width=44)
         ->  Sort  (cost=15880.41..15902.31 rows=8761 width=44)
               Sort Key: group_code, sku, stktype_code, brn_code
               ->  Subquery Scan sub  (cost=13335.57..15306.72 rows=8761 width=44)
                     ->  Aggregate  (cost=13335.57..15306.72 rows=8761 width=44)
                           ->  Group  (cost=13335.57..14649.67 rows=87607 width=44)
                                 ->  Sort  (cost=13335.57..13554.58 rows=87607 
                                       Sort Key: group_code, sku, stktype_code, 
brn_code, to_date
                                       ->  Seq Scan on gir_outstanding  
(cost=0.00..4687.07 rows=87607 width=44)
(10 rows)

Attachment: functions.sql
Description: Binary data

=# \d gir_outstanding
              Table "public.gir_outstanding"
     Column     |            Type             | Modifiers 
 supp_code      | text                        | 
 supp_name      | text                        | 
 supp_brn       | text                        | 
 ord_no         | text                        | 
 due_date       | timestamp without time zone | 
 to_date        | timestamp without time zone | 
 group_code     | text                        | 
 brn_code       | text                        | 
 desc_short     | text                        | 
 cluster_brn    | text                        | 
 country_code   | text                        | 
 req_doc_no     | integer                     | 
 ops_code       | text                        | 
 sku            | text                        | 
 std_descr      | text                        | 
 acde_code      | text                        | 
 req_qty        | double precision            | 
 grv_qty        | double precision            | 
 skul_qty       | double precision            | 
 pref_date      | timestamp without time zone | 
 skul_grv_qty   | double precision            | 
 out_qty        | double precision            | 
 skul_ord_cost  | numeric(16,2)               | 
 out_cost       | numeric                     | 
 stktype_code   | character varying(2)        | 
 gir_type_code  | text                        | 
 gir_type_descr | text                        | 
Indexes: gir_oustanding_idx1 btree (cluster_brn, sku, stktype_code)

=# select count(1) from gir_outstanding;
(1 row)

=# \d fpp
                Table "public.fpp"
 Column  |            Type             | Modifiers 
 code    | text                        | not null
 descr   | text                        | 
 me_dte  | timestamp without time zone | 
 cal_dte | timestamp without time zone | 
 gl_per  | integer                     | 
Indexes: fpp_pkey primary key btree (code),
         fpp_uidx1 unique btree (code)

=# select count(1) from fpp;

=# \d br_prof 
                    Table "public.br_prof"
       Column       |            Type             | Modifiers 
 br_cde             | text                        | not null
 bprof_opened       | timestamp without time zone | 
 fpp_cde            | text                        | 
 bprof_avg_del_time | integer                     | 
 bprof_auto_err_log | boolean                     | 
Indexes: br_prof_pkey primary key btree (br_cde)

=# select count(1) from br_prof;
(1 row)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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