> Considering you're pulling out 450k rows in 8 seconds, I'd also guess
> the data is mostly in memory. Is that normal? Or is this a result of
> having run several test queries against the same data multiple times?

Ah yes, that would have been the result of running the query several

Oddly enough, I put the same database on a different machine, and the
query now behaves as I hoped all along.  Notice that I'm using the
"real" query, with the aspid in asc and the other fields in desc order,
yet the query does use the call_idx13 index:

csitech=# explain analyse select * from call where aspid='123C' and
OpenedDateTime between '2000-01-01 00:00:00.0' and '2004-06-24
23:59:59.999' order by aspid, openeddatetime desc, callstatus desc,
calltype desc, callkey desc;
QUERY PLAN                                                
 Sort  (cost=60.01..60.05 rows=14 width=696) (actual
time=42393.56..43381.85 rows=510705 loops=1)
   Sort Key: aspid, openeddatetime, callstatus, calltype, callkey
   ->  Index Scan using call_idx13 on call  (cost=0.00..59.74 rows=14
width=696) (actual time=0.33..19679.01 rows=510705 loops=1)
         Index Cond: ((aspid = '123C'::bpchar) AND (openeddatetime >=
'2000-01-01 00:00:00-07'::timestamp with time zone) AND (openeddatetime
<= '2004-06-24 23:59:59.999-07'::timestamp with time zone))
 Total runtime: 43602.05 msec

FWIW, this is different hardware (Solaris 9/Sparc), but the same version
of Postgres (7.3.4).  The data is a superset of the data in the other
database (they are both snapshots taken from production).

I dropped and recreated the index on the other (Linux) machine, ran
vacuum analyse, then tried the query again.  It still performs a
sequence scan on the call table. :(

> Any chance you could put together a test case demonstrating the above
> behaviour? Everything from CREATE TABLE, through dataload to the

Forgive me for being thick: what exactly would be involved?  Due to
HIPAA regulations, I cannot "expose" any of the data.

I hesitated to bring this up because I wanted to focus on the technical
issues rather than have this degenerate into a religious war.  The chief
developer in charge of the project brought this query to my attention.
He has a fair amount of political sway in the company, and is now
lobbying to switch to MySQL because he maintains that PostgreSQL is
broken and/or too slow for our needs.  He has apparently benchmarked the
same query using MySQL and gotten much more favorable results (I have
been unable to corroborate this yet).



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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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