On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 11:48:41AM -0400, Bill Montgomery wrote:
> Alan Stange wrote:
> The same test on a Dell PowerEdge 1750, Dual Xeon 3.2 GHz, 512k cache, 
> HT on, Linux 2.4.21-20.ELsmp (RHEL 3), 4GB memory, pg 7.4.5:
> Far less performance that the Dual Opterons with a low number of 
> clients, but the gap narrows as the number of clients goes up. Anyone 
> smarter than me care to explain?

You'll have to wait for someone smarter than you, but I will posit
this: Did you use a tmpfs filesystem like Alan? You didn't mention
either way. Alan did that as an attempt remove IO as a variable.


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