Alexandre Leclerc wrote:
Here a normal listing of design.product_department_time:
product_id | department_id | req_time
       906 | A             |     3000
       906 | C             |     3000
       906 | D             |     1935
       907 | A             |     1500
       907 | C             |     1500
       907 | D             |     4575
       924 | A             |     6000
       924 | C             |     1575

Sorry for jumping in on this thread so late -- I haven't been able to keep up with the lists lately.

If I understand what you want correctly, you should be able to use crosstab from contrib/tablefunc:

create table product_department_time(product_id int, department_id text, req_time int);
insert into product_department_time values(906, 'A', 3000);
insert into product_department_time values(906, 'C', 3000);
insert into product_department_time values(906, 'D', 1935);
insert into product_department_time values(907, 'A', 1500);
insert into product_department_time values(907, 'C', 1500);
insert into product_department_time values(907, 'D', 4575);
insert into product_department_time values(924, 'A', 6000);
insert into product_department_time values(924, 'C', 1575);

select * from crosstab(
  'select product_id, department_id, req_time
   from product_department_time order by 1',
  'select ''A'' union all select ''C'' union all select ''D'''
) as (product_id int, a int, c int, d int);

 product_id |  a   |  c   |  d
        906 | 3000 | 3000 | 1935
        907 | 1500 | 1500 | 4575
        924 | 6000 | 1575 |
(3 rows)

You could make this dynamic for new values of department_id by wrapping it with a PL/pgSQL function.



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