On Mon, 7 Mar 2005, Michael McFarland wrote:

>    I'm trying to understand why a particular query is slow, and it seems
> like the optimizer is choosing a strange plan.  See this summary:
> * I have a large table, with an index on the primary key 'id' and on a
> field 'foo'.
> > select count(*) from foo;
> 1,000,000
> > select count(*) from foo where bar = 41;
> 7
> * This query happens very quickly.
> > explain select * from foo where barId = 412 order by id desc;
> Sort ()
>    Sort key= id
>   ->   Index scan using bar_index on foo ()
>      Index cond: barId = 412
> But this query takes forever
> > explain select * from foo where barId = 412 order by id desc limit 25;
> Limit ()
>   ->   Index scan backward using primarykey_index
>    Filter:  barID = 412

You didn't show the row estimates, but I'd guess that it's expecting
either that ther are more rows that match barId=412 than there actually
are (which may be solvable by raising the statistics target on the column
and re-analyzing) such that going backwards on id in order to make 25
matching rows isn't a bad plan or that barId and id are correlated which
is unfortunately not going to be recognized right now.

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