On Mon, 2005-03-28 at 10:20 -0800, Patrick Hatcher wrote:
> Pg:  7.4.5
> RH 7.3
> Raid 0+1  (200G 15k RPM)
> Quad Xeon
> 8G ram
> 95% Read-only
> 5% - read-write
> I'm experiencing extreme load issues on my machine anytime I have more than
> 40 users connected to the database.  The majority of the users appear to be
> in an idle state according TOP, but if more than3 or more queries are ran
> the system slows to a crawl. The queries don't appear to the root cause
> because they run fine when the load drops.  I also doing routine vacuuming
> on the tables.
> Is there some place I need to start looking for the issues bogging down the
> server?

Well your shared buffers seems a little low but beyond that you may have
a couple of queries that run fine until you get into a highly concurrent

I would turn on statement, duration and pid logging. See if there is
a query that takes say 400ms, if that query needs to be executed before
a bunch of other queries then you will get immediately slow down in a
highly concurrent environment.

Also I didn't see your statistics target listed... What level is that

Lastly you may be able to get away with a lower random_page_cost.


Joshua D. Drake

> Here are some of my settings.  I can provide more as needed:
> cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
> 175013888
> max_connections = 100
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # - Memory -
> shared_buffers = 2000           # min 16, at least max_connections*2, 8KB
> each
> sort_mem = 12288                # min 64, size in KB
> #vacuum_mem = 8192              # min 1024, size in KB
> # - Free Space Map -
> max_fsm_pages = 3000000         # min max_fsm_relations*16, 6 bytes each
> max_fsm_relations = 500         # min 100, ~50 bytes each
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # - Settings -
> #fsync = true                   # turns forced synchronization on or off
> #wal_sync_method = fsync        # the default varies across platforms:
>                                 # fsync, fdatasync, open_sync, or
> open_datasync
> wal_buffers = 32                # min 4, 8KB each
> # - Checkpoints -
> checkpoint_segments = 50        # in logfile segments, min 1, 16MB each
> checkpoint_timeout = 1800       # range 30-3600, in seconds
> # - Planner Cost Constants -
> effective_cache_size =  262144  # typically 8KB each
> #effective_cache_size = 625000  # typically 8KB each
> random_page_cost = 2            # units are one sequential page fetch cost
> #cpu_tuple_cost = 0.01          # (same)
> #cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.001   # (same)
> #cpu_operator_cost = 0.0025     # (same)
> Patrick Hatcher
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