On Fri, Apr 22, 2005 at 10:08:06PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Jim C. Nasby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I've run some performance tests. The actual test case is at
> > http://stats.distributed.net/~decibel/timing.sql, and the results are at
> > http://stats.distributed.net/~decibel/timing.log. In a nutshell, doing
> > an index scan appears to be about 2x faster than a sequential scan and a
> > sort.
> ... for one test case, on one platform, with a pretty strong bias to the
> fully-cached state since you ran the test multiple times consecutively.

The table is 6.5G and the box only has 4G, so I suspect it's not cached.

> Past experience has generally been that an explicit sort is quicker,
> so you'll have to pardon me for suspecting that this case may be
> atypical.  Is the table nearly in order by pkey, by any chance?

It might be, but there's no way I can check with a multi-key index,

I'll re-run the tests with a single column index on a column with a
correlation of 16%

> > In any case, it's clear that the planner is making the wrong choice
> > here. BTW, changing random_page_cost to 3 or 4 doesn't change the plan.
> Feel free to propose better cost equations.

Where would I look in code to see what's used now?
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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