> Well, those stats certainly appear to justify the planner's belief that
> the indexscan needn't run very far: the one value of
> parent_application_id is 1031 and this is below the smallest value of
> object_id seen by analyze.

Yes, it seems rather logical but why does it cost so much if it should be an effective way to find the row?

> You might have better luck if you increase
> the statistics target for acs_objects.object_id.

What do you mean exactly?

> (It'd be interesting
> to know what fraction of acs_objects actually does have object_id < 1032.)

ccm_perf=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM acs_objects WHERE object_id<1032;

ccm_perf=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM acs_objects;

-- Guillaume

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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