Yann Michel wrote:

To my question: I found the parameter "stats_reset_on_server_start"
which is set to true by default. Why did you choose this (and not false)
and what are the impacts of changeing it to false? I mean, as long as I
understood it, each query or statements generates some statistic data
which is used by the optimizer (or anything equal) later on. So in my
oppinion, wouldn't it be better so set this parameter to false and to
enable a kind of a "startup reset_stats" option?

This is administrator statistics (e.g. number of disk blocks read from this index) not planner statistics. You're right - it would be foolish to throw away planner stats.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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