thanks for your suggestion.
a small improvement.  still pretty slow...

vbp=# alter table test alter column productlistid set statistics 150;
vbp=# alter table test alter column typeid set statistics 150;
vbp=# explain analyze select * from test where (productlistid=3 and typeid=9);
                            QUERY PLAN
Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..96458.27 rows=156194 width=725) (actual time=525.617..36802.556 rows=132528 loops=1)
   Filter: ((productlistid = 3) AND (typeid = 9))
 Total runtime: 36847.754 ms
(3 rows)

Time: 36850.719 ms

On Fri, 10 Jun 2005, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

Clark Slater wrote:
hmm, i'm baffled.  i simplified the query
and it is still taking forever...

What happens if you:

alter table test alter column productlistid set statistics 150;
alter table test alter column typeid set statistics 150;
explain analyze select * from test where (productlistid=3 and typeid=9);


Joshua D. Drake

 id            | integer
 partnumber    | character varying(32)
 productlistid | integer
 typeid        | integer

"test_productlistid" btree (productlistid)
"test_typeid" btree (typeid)
"test_productlistid_typeid" btree (productlistid, typeid)

explain analyze select * from test where (productlistid=3 and typeid=9);

                              QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..96458.27 rows=156194 width=725) (actual
time=516.459..41930.250 rows=132528 loops=1)
   Filter: ((productlistid = 3) AND (typeid = 9))
 Total runtime: 41975.154 ms
(3 rows)

System specs:
PostgreSQL 7.4.2 on RedHat 9
dual AMD Athlon 2GHz processors
1 gig memory
mirrored 7200 RPM IDE disks

On Fri, 10 Jun 2005, John A Meinel wrote:

Clark Slater wrote:


Would someone please enlighten me as
to why I'm not seeing a faster execution
time on the simple scenario below?

there are 412,485 rows in the table and the
query matches on 132,528 rows, taking
almost a minute to execute.  vaccuum
analyze was just run.

Well, if you are matching 130k out of 400k rows, then a sequential scan
is certainly prefered to an index scan. And then you have to sort those
130k rows by partnumber. This *might* be spilling to disk depending on
what your workmem/sortmem is set to.

I would also say that what you would really want is some way to get the
whole thing from an index. And I think the way to do that is:

CREATE INDEX test_partnum_listid_typeid_idx ON
    test(partnumber, productlistid, typeid);


    WHERE productlistid=3 AND typeid=9
    ORDER BY partnumber, productlistid, typeid
    LIMIT 15

The trick is that you have to match the order by exactly with the index,
so the planner realizes it can do an indexed lookup to get the information.

You could also just create an index on partnumber, and see how that
affects your original query. I think the planner could use an index
lookup on partnumber to get the ordering correct. But it will have to do
filtering after the fact based on productlistid and typeid.
With my extended index, I think the planner can be smarter and lookup
all 3 by the index.


Good luck,

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