Looks as though there are several processes which are acquiring a load of locks:

pid  | count
3193 |     2
3192 |     9
3191 |     7
3190 |     3
3189 |     2
3188 |     3
3187 |     3
3186 |     3
3185 |     3
3184 |     3
3183 |     3
3182 |    13
3181 |     3
3179 |    10
3175 |    13
3174 |     2
3173 |    10
2917 |     3
3153 |     8
3150 |     8
3149 |     8
3146 |     9
3145 |     8
3144 |     8
3143 |     9
3142 |     3
3141 |    10
3127 |     8
3125 |    13
3124 |    13
3121 |     8
3118 |     8
3114 |     8
3113 |     8
3110 |     8
3106 |     8
3104 |     9
3102 |     8
3100 |    13
2314 |     2
(40 rows)

I guess it might be worth us getting this server up to PostgreSQL 8.0.3. At least we can then discount that as a problem.

Regards, Alex Stanier.

Tom Lane wrote:

Alexander Stanier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
The problem happened again this morning and I took the chance to check out the locking situation. The number of locks increased dramatically up to over 1000, but they were all "AccessShareLocks" and all were granted. The odd "RowExclusiveLock" appeared but none persisted. On the basis that nothing seems to be waiting for a lock, I don't think it is a locking problem.

Hmm.  How many active processes were there, and how many locks per
process?  (A quick "SELECT pid, count(*) GROUP BY pid" query should give
you this info next time.)  We just recently got rid of some O(N^2)
behavior in the lock manager for cases where a single backend holds many
different locks.  So if there's a single query acquiring a whole lot of
locks, that could possibly have something to do with this.

                        regards, tom lane

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