On Jul 26, 2005, at 8:15 AM, Chris Isaacson wrote:

I am using InnoDB with MySQL which appears to enforce true transaction
support.  (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/innodb-overview.html)  If
not, how is InnoDB "cheating"?

are you sure your tables are innodb?
chances are high unless you explcitly stated "type = innodb" when creating that they are myisam.

look at "show table status" output to verify.

I've played with the checkpoint_segments.  I noticed an enormous
improvement increasing from the default to 40, but neglible improvement
thereafter.  Do you have a recommendation for a value?

there's been a thread on -hackers recently about checkpoint issues.. in a nut shell there isn't much to do. But I'd say give bizgres a try if you're going to be continually loading huge amounts of data.


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