* Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    I have the following problem: I have a client to which we send every
>    night a "dump" with a the database in which there are only their
>    data's. It is a stupid solution but I choose this solution because I
>    couldn't find any better. The target machine is a windows 2003.
>    So, I have a replication only with the tables that I need to send,
>    then I make a copy of this replication, and from this copy I delete
>    all the data's that are not needed.

Why not filtering out as much unnecessary stuff as possible on copying ?


>    How can I increase this DELETE procedure because it is really slow???
>     There are of corse a lot of data's to be deleted.

Have you set up the right indices ?

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service
  phone:     +49 36207 519931         www:       http://www.metux.de/
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  Realtime Forex/Stock Exchange trading powered by postgreSQL :))

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