Markus Wollny wrote:

I've got a table BOARD_MESSAGE (message_id int8, thread_id int8, ...)
with pk on message_id and and a non_unique not_null index on thread_id.
A count(*) on BOARD_MESSAGE currently yields a total of 1231171 rows,
the planner estimated a total of 1232530 rows in this table. I've got
pg_autovacuum running on the database and run an additional nightly
VACUUM ANALYZE over it every night.

I've got a few queries of the following type:

select * from PUBLIC.BOARD_MESSAGE where THREAD_ID = 3354253 order by MESSAGE_ID asc limit 20 offset 0;

There are currently roughly 4500 rows with this thread_id in
BOARD_MESSAGE. Explain-output is like so:

---------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=0.00..3927.22 rows=20 width=1148) -> Index Scan using pk_board_message on board_message (cost=0.00..1100800.55 rows=5606 width=1148) Filter: (thread_id = 3354253) (3 rows)
I didn't have the patience to actually complete an explain analyze on
that one - I cancelled the query on several attempts after more than 40
minutes runtime. Now I fiddled a little with this statement and tried
nudging the planner in the right direction like so:

Hmm - it shouldn't take that long. If I'm reading this right, it's expecting to have to fetch 5606 rows to match thread_id=3354253 the 20 times you've asked for. Now, what it probably doesn't know is that thread_id is correlated with message_id quite highly (actually, I don't know that, I'm guessing). So - it starts at message_id=1 and works along, but I'm figuring that it needs to reach message_id's in the 3-4 million range to see any of the required thread.

1. Try "ORDER BY thread_id,message_id" and see if that nudges things your way. 2. Keep #1 and try replacing the index on (thread_id) with (thread_id,message_id)

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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