"Merlin Moncure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> AFAICS it is appropriate to move the sigsetjmp and
>> setup_cancel_handler
>> calls in front of the per-line loop inside MainLoop --- can anyone see
>> a reason not to?

> hm. mainloop is re-entrant, right?  That means each \i would reset the
> handler...what is downside to keeping global flag?

Ah, right, and in fact I'd missed the comment at line 325 pointing out
that we're relying on the sigsetjmp to be re-executed every time
through.  That could be improved on, likely, but not right before a

Does the flag need to be global?  I'm thinking

+       static bool done = false;
+       if (!done)
                SetConsoleCtrlHandler(consoleHandler, TRUE);
+       done = true;

                        regards, tom lane

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