
After fixing the hanging problems I reported here earlier (by uninstalling 
W2K3 SP1), I'm running into another weird one.

After doing a +/- 8hr cycle of updates and inserts (what we call a 'batch'), 
the first 'reporting' type query on tables involved in that write cycle is 
very slow. As an example, I have a query which according to EXPLAIN ANALYZE 
takes about 1.1s taking 46s. After this one hit, everything is back to 
normal, and subsequent executions of the same query are in fact subsecond. 
Restarting the appserver and pgsql does not make the slowness re-appear, only 
running another batch will.

During the 'write'/batch cycle, a large number of rows in various tables are 
inserted and subsequently (repeatedly) updated. The reporting type queries 
after that are basically searches on those tables.

Anybody any ideas?



Jan de Visser                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!

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