4. fsync can also be turned off while loading huge dataset ,
    but seek others comments  too (as study docs) as i am not sure about the
    reliability. i think it can make a lot of difference.

On 4/10/06, Jesper Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
>> I'd run pg_dump | gzip > sqldump.gz  on the old system. That took about
>> 30 hours and gave me an 90GB zipped file. Running
>> cat sqldump.gz | gunzip | psql
>> into the 8.1 database seems to take about the same time. Are there
>> any tricks I can use to speed this dump+restore process up?
> was the last restore successfull ?
> if so why do you want to repeat ?

"about the same time" == Estimated guess from restoring a few tables
I was running a testrun, without disabling updates to the production
database, the real run is scheduled for easter where there hopefully is
no users on the system. So I need to repeat, I'm just trying to get a
feelingabout how long time I need to allocate for the operation.

> 1. run new version of postgres in a different port and pipe pg_dump to psql
> this may save the CPU time of compression , there is no need for a temporary
> dump file.
> pg_dump | /path/to/psql813  -p 54XX newdb

I'll do that. It is a completely different machine anyway.

> 2. use new version of pg_dump to dump the old database as new version
>     is supposed to be wiser.


> 3. make sure you are trapping the restore errors properly
> psql newdb 2>&1 | cat | tee err works for me.

Thats noted.


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