Hi Tom,

TL> "Tarabas (Manuel Rorarius)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I get the following explain and I am troubled by the very high
>> "startup_cost" ... does anyone have any idea why that value is so
>> high?

>>    :startup_cost 100000000.00 

TL> You have enable_seqscan = off, no?

You were right, I was testing this and had it removed, but somehow I
must have hit the wrong button in pgadmin and it was not successfully
removed from the database.

After removing the enable_seqscan = off and making sure it was gone,
it is a lot faster again.

Now it takes about 469.841 ms for the select.

TL> Please refrain from posting EXPLAIN VERBOSE unless it's specifically
TL> requested ...

mea culpa, i will not do that again :-)

Best regards

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