On May 9, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

You're not suggesting that a hardware RAID controller will protect
you against drives that lie about sync, are you?

Of course not, but which drives lie about sync that are SATA? Or more specifically SATA-II?

SATA-II, none that I'm aware of, but there's a long history of dodgy
behaviour designed to pump up benchmark results down in the
consumer drive space, and low end consumer space is where a
lot of SATA drives are. I wouldn't be surprised to see that beahviour
there still.

I was responding to the original posters assertion that drives lying
about sync were a reason not to buy SATA drives, by telling him
not to buy drives that lie about sync. You seem to have read this
as "don't buy SATA drives", which is not what I said and not what I


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