My application has a function, call it "foo()", that requires initialization from a table 
of about 800 values.  Rather than build these values into the C code, it seemed like a good idea to 
put them on a PG table and create a second function, call it "foo_init()", which is 
called for each value, like this:

  select foo_init(value) from foo_init_table order by value_id;

This works well, but it requires me to actually retrieve the function's value 
800 times.  So I thought I'd be clever:

  select count(1) from (select foo_init(value) from foo_init_table order by 
value_id) as foo;

And indeed, it count() returns 800, as expected.  But my function foo_init() 
never gets called!  Apparently the optimizer figures out that foo_init() must 
return one value for each row, so it doesn't bother to actually call the 

db=> explain select count(1) from (select foo_init(value) from foo_init_table 
order by db_no) as foo;
query plan ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aggregate  (cost=69.95..69.95 rows=1 width=0)
  ->  Subquery Scan foo  (cost=0.00..67.93 rows=806 width=0)
        ->  Index Scan using foo_init_table_pkey on foo_init_table  
(cost=0.00..59.87 rows=806 width=30)

This doesn't seem right to me -- how can the optimizer possibly know that a 
function doesn't have a side effect, as in my case?  Functions could do all 
sorts of things, such as logging activity, filling in other tables, etc, etc.

Am I missing something here?


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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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