On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 04:38:57PM +0200, Ruben Rubio Rey wrote:
> I have two similar servers, one in production and another for testing 
> purposes.
> Databases are equal (with a difference of some hours)
> In the testing server, an sql sentence takes arround 1 sec.
> In production server (low server load) takes arround 50 secs, and uses 
> too much resources.
> Explain analyze takes too much load, i had to cancel it!

The EXPLAIN ANALYZE output would be helpful, but if you don't want
to run it to completion then please post the output of EXPLAIN
ANALYZE for the fast system and EXPLAIN (without ANALYZE) for the
slow one.

As someone else asked, are you running ANALYZE regularly?  What
about VACUUM?

Michael Fuhr

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