On Jun 21, 2006, at 18:19, Josh Berkus wrote:

Well, current case-insensitivity hacks definitely aren't compatible with
LIKE as far as "begins with" indexes are concerned.

Yes, currently I use LOWER() for my indexes and for all LIKE, =, etc. queries. This works well, but ORDER by of course isn't what I'd like. That's one of the things that Elein's email domain addresses, albeit with a USING keyword, which is unfortunate.

Of course, floating
LIKEs (%value%) are going to suck no matter what data type you're using.

Yes, I know that. :-) I avoid that.

I created an operator for CI equality ... =~ ... which performs well on
indexed columns.   But it doesn't do "begins with".

Oops. So how could it perform well on indexed columns?

ITEXT is a TODO, but there are reasons why it's harder than it looks.

I'm sure. I should bug potential future SoC students about it. ;-)



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