On Tue, 2006-08-08 at 12:49, Patrice Beliveau wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a query that use a function and some column test to select row. 
> It's in the form of:
>    WHERE TABLE.COLUMN1=something
>       AND TABLE.COLUMN2=somethingelse
>       AND function(TABLE.COLUMN3,TABLE.COLUMN4) > 0;
> The result of the function does NOT depend only from the table, but also 
> from some other tables.
> Since it's long to process, I've add some output to see what's going on. 
> I find out that the function process every row even if the row should be 
> rejected as per the first or the second condition. Then , my question 
> is: Is there a way to formulate a query that wont do all the check if it 
> does not need to do it ? Meaning that, if condition1 is false then it 
> wont check condition2 and that way the function will only be called when 
> it's really necessary.

What version of postgresql are you running?  It might be better in later
versions.  The standard fix for such things is to use a subquery...

select * from (
   select * from table where 
   and col2='somethingelse'
) as a
where function(a.col3,a.col4) > 0;

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