On Oct 3, 2006, at 13:25 , Arnaud Lesauvage wrote:

The problem is that simple select queries with the primary key in the WHERE statement take very long to run.
For example, this query returns only 7 rows and takes about 1
second to run !
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE gid in (33,110,65,84,92,94,13,7,68,41);

This is a very small table, but generally speaking, such queries benefit from an index; eg.,

  create index table1_gid on table1 (gid);

Note that PostgreSQL may still perform a sequential scan if it thinks this has a lower cost, eg. for small tables that span just a few pages.

I have run "VACUUM FULL" on this table many times... I don't know
what to try next !

PostgreSQL's query planner relies on table statistics to perform certain optimizations; make sure you run "analyze table1".


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