On 17-11-2006 18:45 Jeff Frost wrote:
I see many of you folks singing the praises of the Areca and 3ware SATA controllers, but I've been trying to price some systems and am having trouble finding a vendor who ships these controllers with their systems. Are you rolling your own white boxes or am I just looking in the wrong places?

In Holland it are indeed the smaller companies who supply such cards. But luckily there is a very simple solution, all those big suppliers do supply SAS-controllers. And as you may know, SATA disks can be used without any problem on a SAS controller. Of course they are less advanced and normally slower than a SAS disk.

So you can have a nice SAS raid card and insert SATA disks in it. And than you can shop at any major server vendor I know off.

Good luck,


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