Ron Mayer wrote:

Before asking them to remove it, are we sure priority inversion
is really a problem?

I thought this paper:
did a pretty good job at studying priority inversion on RDBMs's
including PostgreSQL on various workloads (TCP-W and TCP-C) and
found that the benefits of setting priorities vastly outweighed
the penalties of priority inversion across all the databases and
all the workloads they tested.

I have the same question. I've done some embedded real-time programming, so my innate reaction to priority inversions is that they're evil. But, especially given priority inheritance, is there any situation where priority inversion provides *worse* performance than running everything at the same priority? I can easily come up with situations where it devolves to that case- where all processes get promoted to the same high priority. But I can't think of one where using priorities makes things worse, and I can think of plenty where it makes things better.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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