First, I forgot to mention - this is 8.2 RC1 I was trying on

The suggested change produces an identical 'bad' query plan.  The main
issue (I think) is that the query node that processes "t1 JOIN t11 ON
..' is not aware of the join condition 't28.s = t1.s'.. even though
the value of t28.s (as determined by the inner index scan where t28.o
= 'spec') could(should?) theoretically be known to it. If it did, then
I imagine it would realize that a nested loop join starting with t1.s
= t28.s (which is very selective) would be much cheaper than doing the
big merge join.


On 12/3/06, Jonathan Blitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How about trying:

Select *
(Select * from t28 where t28.0='spec')  t28a
Left out join (t1 JOIN t11 ON
> (t11.o = '<>' AND t11.s = t1.o)) ON t28a.s = t1.s

In this way, I think, the where clause on t28 would be performed before the
join rather than after.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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