Tom Lane wrote:
"Craig A. James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Steve Atkins wrote:
As long as you're ordering by some row in the table then you can do that in
straight SQL.

select a, b, ts from foo where (stuff) and foo > X order by foo limit 10

Then, record the last value of foo you read, and plug it in as X the next
time around.

We've been over this before in this forum: It doesn't work as advertised.
Look for postings by me regarding the fact that there is no way to tell
the optimizer the cost of executing a function.  There's one, for example,
on Oct 18, 2006.

You mean
?  I don't see anything there that bears on Steve's suggestion.
(The complaint is obsolete as of CVS HEAD anyway.)

Mea culpa, it's October 8, not October 18:

The relevant part is this:

"My example, discussed previously in this forum, is a classic.  I have a VERY 
expensive function (it's in the class of NP-complete problems, so there is no faster 
way to do it).  There is no circumstance when my function should be used as a 
filter, and no circumstance when it should be done before a join.  But PG has no way 
of knowing the cost of a function, and so the optimizer assigns the same cost to 
every function.  Big disaster.

"The result?  I can't use my function in any WHERE clause that involves any 
other conditions or joins.  Only by itself.  PG will occasionally decide to use my 
function as a filter instead of doing the join or the other WHERE conditions first, 
and I'm dead.

"The interesting thing is that PG works pretty well for me on big tables -- it does 
the join first, then applies my expensive functions.  But with a SMALL (like 50K rows) 
table, it applies my function first, then does the join.  A search that completes in 1 
second on a 5,000,000 row database can take a minute or more on a 50,000 row 


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