I need some help on recommendations to solve a perf problem.

I've got a table with ~121 million records in it. Select count on it currently takes ~45 minutes, and an update to the table to set a value on one of the columns I finally killed after it ran 17 hours and had still not completed. Queries into the table are butt slow, and

This is way too long. I just did a select count(*) on a table of mine that has 48 million rows and it took only 178 seconds. And this is on a serious POS disk subsystem that's giving me about 1/2 the read speed of a single off the shelf SATA disk. As select count(*) has to read the whole table sequentially, the time it takes is linear with the size of the table (once you get large enough that the whole table doesn't get cached in memory). So I'd be surprised if a 121 million record table took more than 500 or so seconds to read, and would expect it to be less.

So my advice: vacuum. I'll bet you've got a whole boatload of dead tuples kicking around. Then analyze. Then consider firing off a reindex and/or cluster against the table. The other thing I'd consider is dropping the money on some more hardware- a few hundred bucks to get a battery backed raid card and half a dozen SATA drives would probably do wonders for your performance.

shared_buffers = 24MB

Up your shared buffers. This is a mistake I made originally as well- but this is the total number of shared buffers used by the system. I had originally assumed that the number of shared buffers used was this times the number of backends, but it's not.

With 2G of memory, I'd start with shared buffers of 512MB, and consider upping it to 768MB or even 1024MB. This will also really help performance.

stats_start_collector = off
stats_row_level = off

I think I'd also recommend turning these one.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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