Craig James wrote:

Oracle is simply not better than Postgres in this regard. As far as I know, there is only one specific situation (discussed frequently here) where Oracle is faster: the count(), min() and max() functions, and I know significant progress has been made since I started using Postgres. I have not found any other query where Oracle is significantly better, and I've found several where Postgres is the clear winner.
In my testing between a commercial database that cannot be named and postgresql, I found max() / min() to be basically the same, even with where clauses and joins happening.

count(*), OTOH, is a still a clear winner for the big commercial database. With smaller sets (1 Million or so) both dbs are in the same ballpark.

With 30+million rows, count(*) took 2 minutes on pgsql and 4 seconds on the big database.

OTOH, there are some things, like importing data, which are MUCH faster in pgsql than in the big database.

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