On 6/20/07, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Mikko Partio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  Index Scan using tbl_20070601_pkey on tbl_20070601 t1
> (cost=0.00..365.13rows=13 width=137) (actual time=
> 120.83..10752.64 rows=539 loops=1)
>    Index Cond: ((validtime >= 20070602000000::bigint) AND (validtime <=
> 20070602235500::bigint) AND (latitude = 60.2744::double precision) AND
> (longitude = 26.4417::double precision))
>    Filter: (parname = 'temperature'::character varying)

You do realize that's going to scan the entire index range from
20070602000000 to 20070602235500?

If this is a typical query you'd be better off putting the lat/long
columns first in the index.

                        regards, tom lane

Thanks for the reply.

Adding a new index does not speed up the query (although the planner decides
to use the index):

db=# create index tbl_20070601_latlonvalidpar_index on tbl_20070601

db=# explain analyze select * from tbl_20070601 where validtime between
20070602000000 and 20070602235500 and latitude=60.2744 and
longitude=26.4417and parname in ('temperature');

Index Scan using tbl_20070601_latlonvalidpar_index on tbl_20070601 t1
(cost=0.00..29.18 rows=13 width=137) (actual time=3471.94..31542.90 rows=539
  Index Cond: ((latitude = 60.2744::double precision) AND (longitude =
26.4417::double precision) AND (validtime >= 20070602000000::bigint) AND
(validtime <= 20070602235500::bigint) AND (parname =
'temperature'::character varying))
Total runtime: 31544.48 msec
(3 rows)

This is a very typical query and therefore it should be made as fast as
possible. There are several tables like this rowcount ranging from 3 million
to 13 million. I have some possibilities to modify the queries as well as
the tables, but the actual table structure is hard coded.

Any other suggestions?



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