On Tue, 26 Jun 2007, Josh Berkus wrote:

The problem is that there are no "safe, middle-of-the-road" values for some
things, particularly max_connections and work_mem.

Your max_connections concern is one fact that haunts the idea of just giving out some sample configs for people. Lance's tool asks outright the expectation for max_connections which I think is the right thing to do.

Web app, typical machine:
work_mem = 256kb

Reporting app, same machine:
work_mem = 32mb

I think people are stuck with actually learning a bit about work_mem whether they like it or not, because it's important to make it larger but we know going too high will be a problem with lots of connections doing sorts.

As for turning autovacuum on/off and the stats target, I'd expect useful defaults for those would come out of how the current sample is asking about read vs. write workloads and expected database size. Those simple to understand questions might capture enough of the difference between your two types here.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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