
2007/7/8, Thomas Finneid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Kalle Hallivuori wrote:

 > COPY is plentitudes faster than INSERT:
 > http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/sql-copy.html
 > If you can't just push the data straight into the final table with
 > COPY, push it into a temporary table that you go through with the
 > database procedure.
 > Shameless plug: If you use Java and miss COPY functionality in the
 > driver, it's available at
 > http://kato.iki.fi/sw/db/postgresql/jdbc/copy/
 > I was able to practically nullify time spent inserting with that.

Interresting, I will definately have a look at it.
What is the maturity level of the code at this point? and what is
potentially missing to bring it up to production quality? (stability is
of the utmost importance in my usage scenario.)

It's my third implementation, based on earlier work by Kris Jurka, a
maintainer of the JDBC driver. (It is really quite short so it's easy
to keep it clear.) I consider it mature enough to have accommodated it
as part of an upcoming large application, but I'd really like to hear
others' opinions. Documentation I should add one of these days, maybe
even rewrite the javadoc.

You can use COPY as is on the server side without the patch, but then
you need to get the data as CSV or TSV files onto the database server
machine, and use db superuser privileges to import it. My patch just
adds the ability to feed data from client with normal user privileges.

Kalle Hallivuori +358-41-5053073 http://korpiq.iki.fi/

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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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