On Jul 17, 2007, at 15:50 , Thomas Finneid wrote:

Michael Glaesemann wrote:

2a) Are you using INSERT INTO foo (foo1, foo2, foo2) SELECT foo1, foo2, foo3 FROM pre_foo or individual inserts for each row? The former would be faster than the latter.

performed with JDBC

insert into ciu_data_type (id, loc_id, value3, value5, value8, value9, value10, value11 ) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

As they're individual inserts, I think what you're seeing is overhead from calling this statement 100,000 times, not just on the server but also the overhead through JDBC. For comparison, try

CREATE TABLE ciu_data_type_copy LIKE ciu_data_type;

INSERT INTO ciu_data_type_copy (id, loc_id, value3, value5, value8, value9, value10, value11)
SELECT id, loc_id, value3, value5, value8, value9, value10, value11
FROM ciu_data_type;

I think this would be more comparable to what you're seeing.

I havent done this test in a stored function yet, nor have I tried it with a C client so far, so there is the chance that it is java/ jdbc that makes the insert so slow. I'll get to that test soon if there is any chance my theory makes sence.

Just testing in psql with \timing should be fairly easy.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

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