On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 09:18 -0700, Brandon Shalton wrote:
> Hello all,
> My hard disk is filling up in the /base  directory  to where it has consumed 
> all 200gig of that drive.
> All the posts that i see keep saying move to a bigger drive, but at some 
> point a bigger drive would just get consumed.
> How can i keep the disk from filling up other than get like a half TB setup 
> just to hold the ./base/*  folder

Ummm, don't put more 200G worth of data in there?  :)

You didn't give us any information about what you're using the database
for, why you think that using 200G is excessive, what version of the
database you're running, stuff like that.  So really there's nothing
that we can help you out with, except for the normal "read the manual
about vacuuming and make sure you're doing it" newbie answer.

-- Mark

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