On Dec 21, 2007 3:18 AM, Pavel Stehule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have similar patch and it works. There is two isues:
> * we missing column in pg_proc about state (not all procedures are
> obfuscated), I solved it for plpgsl with using probin.

I was hoping to avoid making any catalog or other changes to support
encryption specifically.  Maybe your patch stands on its own
merits...I missed the original discussion.  Do you think the code you
wrote can be adapted to do other things besides encryption?

> * decrypt is expensive on language handler level. Every session have
> to do it again and again, better decrypt in system cache or somewhere
> there.

Doesn't bother me in the least...and caching unencrypted data is
scary.  Also, aes256 is pretty fast for what it gives you and function
bodies are normally short.  The real issue as I see it is where to
keep the key.  How did you handle that?


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