On a linux box (Linux db1 #1 SMP Wed May 23 17:21:37 EDT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux)
I edited postgresql.conf and changed:

shared_buffers = 5000           work_mem = 16384
max_stack_depth = 4096

and then restarted postgres. The puzzling part is that postgres actually started. When I have done this on other boxes, I had to edit kernel settings to allow for more shared memory.

The kernel settings are currently:

shmmax: 33554432
shmall: 2097152

I would have expected to need to increase these before postgres would run.

I have a nagging suspicion that something isn't right. Like it's not actually reading the conf file, or I might have a problem on reboot.

I'm not sure if I'm worrying about nothing, or if something weird is going on.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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