But do we link oracle trigger to postgres trigger ?
 i mean :
 oracle trigger will take a note of what has been changed .
 but then how do we pass those changes to postgres trigger ?
 can u suggest any logic or algorithm ?
 Srikanth k Potluri 
 +63 9177444783(philippines) 
 On Sat 26/04/08  8:40 PM , "Joshua D. Drake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Adonias Malosso wrote: 
 > Hi All, 
 > I�d like to know what�s the best practice to LOAD a 70 milion
rows, 101  
 > columns table 
 > from ORACLE to PGSQL. 
 > The current approach is to dump the data in CSV and than COPY it
 > Postgresql. 
 > Anyone has a better idea. 
 Write a java trigger in Oracle that notes when a row has been  
 added/delete/updated and does the exact same thing in postgresql. 
 Joshua D. Drake 
 > Regards 
 > Adonias Malosso 
 Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list
(pgsql-performance@postgresql.org [1]) 
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