Campbell, Lance wrote:
We currently backup all of our database tables per schema using pg_dump every half hour. We have been noticing that the database performance has been very poor during the backup process. How can I improve the performance?

It sounds like the goal is to have frequent, near-real-time backups of your databases for 
recovery purposes.  Maybe instead of looking at pg_dump's performance, a better solution 
would be a replication system such as Slony, or a "warm backup" using Skype 

Backing up the database every half hour puts a large load on the system during 
the dump, and means you are re-dumping the same data, 48 times per day.  If you 
use a replication solution, the backup process is continuous (spread out 
through the day), and you're not re-dumping static data; the only data that 
moves around is the new data.

I've used Slony with mixed success; depending on the complexity and size of your 
database, it can be quite effective.  I've heard very good reports about Skype Tools, 
which has both a Slony-like replicator (not as configurable as Slony, but easier to set 
up and use), plus an entirely separate set of scripts that simplifies "warm 
standby" using WAL logging.


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