On Jun 29, 2008, at 10:20 PM, Nimesh Satam wrote:


While running a Select query we get the below error:

ERROR:  out of memory
DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 192.

Postgres Conf details:
shared_buffers = 256000
work_mem =150000
max_stack_depth = 16384
max_fsm_pages = 400000
version: 8.1.3

We are using 8gb of Primary memory for the server which is used as a dedicated database machine.

The data log shows the below message after getting the Out of memory error. Also attached the explain for the query. Can someone let us know , if have some worng parameter setup or any solution to the problem?


Hi Nimesh,

I'd try decreasing work_mem (try something smaller like 16384 and work up if you'd like), since you have lots of hashes being built for this query, you may simply be running into a limit on process size depending on your platform. Also look at "ulimit -a" as the postgres user to make sure you aren't running into any administrative limits.


Rusty Conover
InfoGears Inc.

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