On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Brian Cox <brian....@ca.com> wrote:
> Actually, they're all deadlocked. The question is why?
> Here's a brief background. The ts_defects table is partitioned by occurrence
> date; each partition contains the rows for 1 day. When the data gets old
> enough, the partition is dropped. Since the correct partition can be
> determined from the occurrence date, there is no trigger: inserts are done
> directly into the correct partition. Multiple threads may be inserting into
> a partition at the same time. The thread that checks for old data to be
> dropped runs at 00:30 each night. It also creates the partition for the next
> day.
> Below is the output from:
> select xact_start,query_start,substring(current_query from 0 for 40) from
> pg_stat_activity order by xact_start;

Can you post this again with procpid added to the column list and
without truncating current_query?  And then also post the results of
"select * from pg_locks"?

Is there anything interesting in the postmaster log?


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