ts_stats_transet_user_interval has ~48M rows. ts_id is the PK and there is an index on ts_interval_start_time. I reindexed it and ran vacuum analyze. Only SELECTs have been done since these operations.

cemdb=# explain select min(ts_id) from ts_stats_transet_user_interval a where 0=0 and a.ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-6-16 01:00' and a.ts_interval_start_time < '2009-6-16 02:00';

                              QUERY PLAN
 Result  (cost=12.19..12.20 rows=1 width=0)
     ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..12.19 rows=1 width=8)
-> Index Scan using ts_stats_transet_user_interval_pkey on ts_stats_transet_user_interval a (cost=0.00..5496152.30 rows=450799 width=8) Filter: ((ts_id IS NOT NULL) AND (ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-06-16 01:00:00-07'::timestamp with time zone) AND (ts_interval_start_time < '2009-06-16 02:00:00-07'::timestamp with time zone))
(5 rows)
cemdb=# explain select max(ts_id) from ts_stats_transet_user_interval a where 0=0 and a.ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-6-16 01:00' and a.ts_interval_start_time < '2009-6-16 02:00';

                              QUERY PLAN
 Result  (cost=12.19..12.20 rows=1 width=0)
     ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..12.19 rows=1 width=8)
-> Index Scan Backward using ts_stats_transet_user_interval_pkey on ts_stats_transet_user_interval a (cost=0.00..5496152.30 rows=450799 width=8) Filter: ((ts_id IS NOT NULL) AND (ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-06-16 01:00:00-07'::timestamp with time zone) AND (ts_interval_start_time < '2009-06-16 02:00:00-07'::timestamp with time zone))
(5 rows)
[r...@rdl64xeoserv01 log]# time PGPASSWORD=quality psql -U admin -d cemdb -c "select min(ts_id) from ts_stats_transet_user_interval a where a.ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-6-16 01:00' and a.ts_interval_start_time < '2009-6-16 02:00'" min
(1 row)

real    1m32.025s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.003s
[r...@rdl64xeoserv01 log]# time PGPASSWORD=quality psql -U admin -d cemdb -c "select max(ts_id) from ts_stats_transet_user_interval a where a.ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-6-16 01:00' and a.ts_interval_start_time < '2009-6-16 02:00'"
(1 row)

real    16m39.412s
user    0m0.002s
sys     0m0.002s

seems like max() shouldn't take any longer than min() and certainly not 10 times as long. Any ideas on how to determine the max more quickly?


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