Joseph S Wrote
> If I have 14 drives in a RAID 10 to split between data tables
> and indexes what would be the best way to allocate the drives
> for performance?

RAID-5 can be much faster than RAID-10 for random reads and writes.  It is much 
slower than RAID-10 for sequential writes, but about the same for sequential 
reads.  For typical access patterns, I would put the data and indexes on RAID-5 
unless you expect there to be lots of sequential scans.

If you do this, you can drop the random_page_cost from the default 4.0 to 1.0.  
That should also encourage postgres to use the index more often.  I think the 
default costs for postgres assume that the data is on a RAID-1 array.  Either 
that, or they are a compromise that isn't quite right for any system.  On a 
plain old disk the random_page_cost should be 8.0 or 10.0.

The division of the drives into two arrays would depend on how much space will 
be occupied by the tables vs the indexes.  This is very specific to your 
database.  For example, if indexes take half as much space as tables, then you 
want 2/3rds for tables and 1/3rd for indexes.  8 drives for tables, 5 drives 
for indexes, and 1 for a hot standby.  The smaller array may be a bit slower 
for some operations due to reduced parallelism.  This also depends on the 
intelligence of your RAID controller.

Always put the transaction logs (WAL Files) on RAID-10 (or RAID-1 if you don't 
want to dedicate so many drives to the logs).  The only significant performance 
difference between RAID-10 and RAID-1 is that RAID-1 is much slower (factor of 
4 or 5) for random reads.  I think the ratio of random reads from the 
transaction logs would typically be quite low.  They are written sequentially 
and during checkpoint they are read sequentially.  In the interim, the data is 
probably still in shared memory if it needs to be read.

You don't want your transaction logs or any swapfiles on RAID-5.  The slow 
sequential write performance can be a killer.


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