negora wrote:

> According to how I understood the process, the engine would get the
> name from the student with ID 1 and would look for the name of the
> father with ID 1 in the hashed table. It'd do exactly the same with the
> student #2 and father #2. But my big doubt is about the 3rd one
> (Anthony). Would the engine "know" that it already had retrieved the
> father's name for the student 1 and would avoid searching for it into
> the hashed table (using some kind of internal mechanism which allows to
> "re-utilize" the name)? Or would it search into the hashed table again?<br>

The hash table is searched again.  But that's fast, because it's a hash

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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