Mine is a single record INSERT, so no issues with plans :-) Little Java ETL

Is there any setting I'd need to tweak assuming I'm using 150-200 of these
at once?


On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Craig Ringer

> On 15/04/10 04:49, Dave Crooke wrote:
>> Hi foilks
>> I am using PG 8.3 from Java. I am considering a performance tweak which
>> will involve holding about 150 java.sql.PreparedStatment objects open
>> against a single PGSQL connection. Is this safe?
>> I know that MySQL does not support prepared statements /per se/, and so
>> their implementation of PreparedStatement is nothing more than some
>> client-side convenience code that knows how to escape and format
>> constants for you. Is this the case for PG, or does the PG JDBC driver
>> do the real thing?
> Pg supports real server-side prepared statements, as does the JDBC driver.
> IIRC (and I can't say this with 100% certainty without checking the sources
> or a good look at TFM) the PostgreSQL JDBC driver initially does only a
> client-side prepare. However, if the PreparedStatement is re-used more than
> a certain number of times (five by default?) it switches to server-side
> prepared statements.
> This has actually caused a bunch of performance complaints on the jdbc
> list, because the query plan may change at that switch-over point, since
> with a server-side prepared statement Pg no longer has a specific value for
> each parameter and may pick a more generic plan.
> Again only IIRC there's a configurable threshold for prepared statement
> switch-over. I thought all this was in the PgJDBC documentation and/or
> javadoc - if it's not, it needs to be.
> --
> Craig Ringer

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