On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 7:46 AM, Juan Pablo Sandoval Rivera
<juapab...@tutopia.com> wrote:
> Good morning List
> In relation to the process of tuning the engine PostgreSQL database, 
> especially
> 7.3.7 version that is being used currently, agreaceria me clarify a procedure

I concur with the other poster on keeping shared_mem lower on this
older version.  Also, you should be running at the very least the
latest version of 7.3, which is 7.3.21 and available here:


Tuning 7.3 is more an effort in futility at this point, considering
that a non-tuned 8.3 or 8.4 install will still be much much faster.
If the lack of auto-casts in 8.3 impacts you negatively then at least
look at 8.2.latest.

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