Dear tom, we have autocommit off in dbi. Any commit or rollback from
the persistent modperl process immediately issues begin work; if the
modperl process is waiting for request the database backend remains in
idle in transaction state. Unless we modify data in a http request we
neighter issue a commit nor rollback.

On 6/25/10, Tom Molesworth <> wrote:
> On 25/06/10 16:59, Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
>> when i reduce max_connections i start getting errors, i will see again
>> concurrent connections
>> during business hours. lot of our connections are in <IDLE in
>> transaction state> during business
>> this peculiar  behavior of  mod_perl servers have been discussed in
>> past i think. dont' remember
>> if there was any resolution.
> If connections spend any significant amount of time in <IDLE in
> transaction> state, that might indicate you're not committing/rolling
> back after running queries - can you show an example of the code you're
> using?
> e.g. something like my $dbh = DBI->connect(...); my $sth =
> $dbh->prepare(q{select ... }); $sth->fetchall_arrayref; $sth->rollback;
> Tom
> --
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