On 07/07/2010 06:06 PM, Ryan Wexler wrote:
Postgresql was previously running on a single cpu linux machine with 2 gigs of 
memory and a single sata drive (v8.3).  Basically a desktop with linux on it.  
I experienced slow performance.

So, I finally moved it to a real server.  A dually zeon centos machine with 6 
gigs of memory and raid 10, postgres 8.4.  But, I am now experiencing even 
worse performance issues.

My system is consistently highly transactional.  However, there is also regular 
complex queries and occasional bulk loads.

On the new system the bulk loads are extremely slower than on the previous 
machine and so are the more complex queries.  The smaller transactional queries 
seem comparable but i had expected an improvement.  Performing a db import via 
psql -d databas -f dbfile illustrates this problem.  It takes 5 hours to run 
this import.  By contrast, if I perform this same exact import on my crappy 
windows box with only 2 gigs of memory and default postgres settings it takes 1 
hour.  Same deal with the old linux machine.  How is this possible?

Here are some of my key config settings:
max_connections = 100
shared_buffers = 768MB
effective_cache_size = 2560MB
work_mem = 16MB
maintenance_work_mem = 128MB
checkpoint_segments = 7
checkpoint_timeout = 7min
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.5

I have tried varying the shared_buffers size from 128 all the way to 1500mbs 
and got basically the same result.   Is there a setting change I should be 

Does 8.4 have performance problems or is this unique to me?


Yeah, I inherited a "server" (the quotes are sarcastic air quotes), with really bad disk 
IO... er.. really safe disk IO.  Try the dd test.  On my desktop I get 60-70 meg a second.  On this 
"server" (I laugh) I got about 20.  I had to go out of my way (way out) to enable the 
disk caching, and even then only got 50 meg a second.



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